The 'How-the-Hell-do-I-do-That' Guide 

Bouldering is all about problem solving.  It's the same objective yet we all approach this differently.  Some people want to simply get to the TOP.  Others want to do it as gracefully and as smoothly as possible. 

Learning to read the route tends to improve with experience  However, not always are experienced people around to help or perhaps you don't want to ask either.  And that's AOK.  We're all different.  So we've introduced a new way of viewing the intended beta by QR code linked video.  These QR codes are found on the start labels of some (not all) routes and especially those with more complicated problems.  

You may do it totally differently that that too is AOK.  Great in fact.  The choice is yours.  You can choose to watch or not to watch.  It's totally up to you and if you learn something then it's all the better.

25 Oct


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