PCYC senior constable Sandi Sandison reached out to Ten4 to explore opportunities around disengaged youth in Tamworth in 2019.  And we're glad she did because this was the start of a healthy partnership.  

PCYC introduced a group of high school aged youth into the T4L as a part of the Fit for Change program aligned to the Rise Up program in a new and innovative approach.  The first season was one of the boys feeling their way and leaning into the work and this was early days for us as well in terms of the high school division.  However, given the natural physical capacity for a lot of these boys it didn't take long for them to grasp the concept with two hands and rip in.  

It also allowed an opportunity for the PCYC officers to join them in a hands-on capacity and tighten their relationships with the students.  

Check out the 7 News story. 

Jan 2020


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